Kierin Ryan

Mortgage Broker

0437 437 337

About Kierin

Should you use a Mortgage Broker or go direct to a Bank?


You can answer this question yourself by thinking about this one observation ... How often do you think your bank would ring and advise you to take your mortgage to competitor bank to save thousands of dollars each year?


This is one of the key advantages of using a good mortgage broker. I want you to have the best deal I can find that suits your circumstances and goals and I want you to be on a great deal for the life of your mortgage – not just the first 1 or 2 years. I will review the deals from over 40 lenders to find you the right loan and keep you in the right loan. Alistair has seen how I’ve helped many of his real estate clients over the years. It just makes good sense for our 2 businesses to work closely to deliver seamless solutions to mutual clients.


The majority of my new clients come to me as referrals from my existing customers. My clients tell me that they are happy to refer their family and friends to me because I looked after them so well.


These are 3 things I think you will notice:


  • I care about each person that I assist. Helping a client is my number 1 concern. I believe all long term success in life and business must come from this core principal. People know when you actually care about them.


  • My extensive experience in mortgage broking, wide knowledge of credit policy, my industry contacts and my solid work ethic delivers great solutions for my clients.


  • I try to make the complex process of getting a mortgage and buying a property as easy and stress-free as possible. Clients can ring 7 days a week for help and advice.

Who am I? I live in the Hills Shire with my wife and 3 children, plus Cosmo the dog. I am an avid collector of Vinyl records and I often daydream about owning a boat (but get talked out of it everytime). You will often catch me at Manly Beach early in the morning doing 3km ocean swims.


When it comes to your mortgage, if you want me on your side, putting your best interests first then please get in touch for an obligation free chat.


Kierin Ryan B.Bus
Finance Broker – Sydney Home Mortgage
0437 437 337